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The Feast of the Epiphany

Writer's picture: Emma PourciauEmma Pourciau

“And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.” Matthew 2:9

Have you ever experienced a time of great suffering and someone showed up for you? Maybe after a surgery or the loss of a loved one? 

Have you ever made a journey to visit a friend or loved one? Especially around the holidays? 

Have you ever been given an invaluable gift? Something simple but so meaningful? 

The visit of the Wise Men is frequently portrayed as a profound moment of reverence and recognition of Jesus' divine nature. Their tribute symbolizes the recognition of Jesus not only by Jewish shepherds but also by Gentile scholars, emphasizing the universal importance of his birth. In the Catholic Tradition, we celebrate this revelation as The Epiphany. The word "epiphany" comes from the Greek word epiphainen, which means “make known”. The Epiphany not only makes known the birth of Christ but his kingship, divinity and humanity, as seen in the gifts from the Magi. 

As Matthew 2:1-12 tells us, following a request from Herod, the three wise men, or the Magi, followed a star to Bethlehem, finding the Holy Family under it. The three Magi present gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus. The gold represents royalty and therefore his kingship. Frankincense points to worship and his divinity. Myrrh, often used to prepare the dead, points us to Christ’s humanity as well as his passion and death. 

What gift do you have that would surpass gold, frankincense, and myrrh? What three things can you offer to the Lord in this new year? 

The Epiphany reminds us that Christ's light is for everyone, guiding us through darkness and calling us to share His hope with the world. As we step into the new year, join us on a mission to seek His light and reflect it boldly in our homes and communities, just as the Magi did.

As a way to make Christ known in your home and family, consider partaking in one or both of the practices below! 

  1. Epiphany Blessing for your home: The Epiphany blessing is a simple blessing written with chalk, above the door to your home as follows: the first two digits of the year + C + M + B + the last two digits of the new year. So, today, it would look like this: 20 + C + M + B + 25.

The C M B serves two meanings:

  • The initials of the wise men.

  • The first letters of the Latin phrase: Christus mansionem benedicat (May Christ bless the house).

  • Here you can find the USCCB prayer resource to bless your home! 

  1. Make Three Kings Bread Recipe here.


Emma Pourciau is a student at Franciscan Missionary of Our Lady University (Fran U) in Baton Rouge, LA. She is pursuing a Nursing major with minors in Theology and Ethics. Emma is passionate about moral theology, holistic care, and upholding women's dignity and co-authored the book “Fiat 40 Journal: A Women’s 40 Day Journey to Renewal, Restoration, and Redemption.” She plans to pursue a career in Women’s Health. 

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